SEMI SILENT AWARDS 2019 for sound art, radio art and field recording are granted to Félix Blume (FR/MX) for Horses Talk and Oana Avasilichioaei (CA) for Eight Over Two: A Soundtrack. The Audiance Award goes to Simina Oprescu for Drip Drop.


The jury: Ilinca Stihi (theater director, National Radio Theater), Mihaela Dedeoglu (journalist & radio producer, RFI), Cristian Fierbințeanu (musician), Attila Vizauer (theater director, Teatrul National Radio Theater & radio producer, Radio România), George Vlad (sound engineer, Mindful Audio, UK), Valentin Eduard Panduru (programs producer, RFI), Alexandru Oberlander Târnoveanu (curator, MNAC).


The Audience Award was voted online.


The production of the 3 awarded sound pieces was financialy supported by the Cultural National Fund Administration in 2018. The pieces signed by the artists Félix Blume and Simina Oprescu were created during the program Sonic Future Residencies organized by Jumătatea plină Association for SEMI SILENT at Otetelișanu Mansion (Benești, jud. Vâlcea).

SEMI SILENT AWARDS 2019, offered with the support of the National Contemporary Art Museum, were announced in the evening of 3rd of March at Control Club in Bucharest in the frame of SĂPTĂMÂNA SUNETULUI (The Week of Sound).

The awards gala was followed by an extraordinary concert with the works „Gradeația” and „Natural” of the composer Octavian Nemescu, honorary guest of Săptămâna Sunetului 2019.