Baba Vanga: Predictions. Space Odyssey

A poem by Dmitri Miticov (English, Czech, Romanian, French)
Ivan Palacký
(20’49”, November 2020)

Baba Vanga: Predictions. Space Odyssey (Dmitri Miticov)


2020 — China becomes a world power.
2023 — The Earth’s orbit will slightly change.
2025 — Europe will be ravaged.
2028 — A new source of energy is created. Hunger is eradicated.
2043 — Muslims take power in Europe.
2088 — A new disease will break out. People will grow old in seconds.
2097 — The disease will be cured.
2100 — The man-made sun will shine on the dark side of the Planet.
2111 — People will become robots.
2125 — Hungary will receive signals from outer space.
2154 — Animals become half people.
2167 — A new religion.
2187 — The eruption of two volcanoes is successfully stopped.
2221 — In the search for alien life, humanity encounters something terrible.
2273 — A new race is born.
2288 — Time travel will be achieved. New contacts with aliens will be made.
2291 — The sun goes cold.
2304 — The Moon’s mystery is discovered.
2480 — The Earth will be in darkness.
3005 — There will be a war on Mars.
3010 — A comet hits the Moon. A ring of stones and dust appears around the Earth.
3797 — There’s no more life on Terra. People will manage to live on other planets in the solar system.
3803 — A new planet is slowly populated. Less contact between people. The new planet’s climate affects the human body and mutations appear.
4308 — Due to some mutations, people began using more than 34% of their brains. They lost any notion of good and evil.
4509 — They meet God.
4599 — They achieve immortality.
4674 — Civilization reached its zenith. 340 billion people live on various planets. They begin to assimilate with aliens.
5076 — A new, bordering universe is discovered.
5078 — The decision is made to go beyond the end of the universe. About 40 percent of the population is opposed.
5079 — The end of the World.


Translated from Romanian to English by Andrew Davidson-Novosivschei, and to Czech by Jiřina Vyorálková.


Photo: Sorin Nainer


The piece is composed by Ivan Palacký with a poem by Dmitri Miticov in the frame of POLYPHONIC ECHOES, a project organized by Jumătatea plină for SEMI SILENT. Partners: Czech Center and the National Museum of Romanian Literature. With the support of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund.




Ivan Palacký plays amplified knitting machine Dopleta 180. He is a musician, an architect and a sound collector.

Ivan Palacký has (in the 80s and the beginning of the 90s) played with various groups and taken part in several music projects.

He –
… was a member of the guitar/double bass/bassoon group “Slede, zive slede” (Herring, live herring) – and currently performs in a audiovisual duo „Koberce, zaclony/Carpets, Curtains“ (with Filip Cenek).
… is an enthusiastic member of Prague Improvisation Orchestra.
… is a singer and guitar player of the „Pátí na světě/Fifth in the World“ band.
… is a member of „Messier Objects“ quartet (with Klaus Filip, Andrea Neumann, and Toshimaru Nakamura). The quartet released a concert CD on label Ftarri (JP).
… “writes” a sound diary from all his journeys – collects excerpts of stories, weird sounds and various “acoustic mistakes”.
… likes to take part in one-shot improvisational groups or duos (with Cremaster (ES), Ruth Barberán (ES) and Margarida Garcia (PT), Will Guthrie (AU), Andrea Neumann (DE), Klaus Filip (AT), Toshimaru Nakamura (JP)… ) as well as playing solo performances.

Since 2005 his main interest has been to „dig out“ sounds from an amplified Dopleta 160 knitting machine from the 70s.


Dmitri Miticov (1980), born in Târgoviște. Studied mathematics at the Transylvania University in Brașov. Poetry published books: Efectul de peliculă (Vinea, 2006), Numele meu e Dmitri (Paralela 45, 2010), Dmitri: uite viața (Casa de editură Max Blecher, 2012), Dmitri: genul cinic (Cartea Românească, 2015). In 2015, participated in the translation workshop organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute in Stockholm. Lives in Bucharest and works in the banking system.


All sounds (recorded, played, composed, edited) by Ivan Palacký for SEMI SILENT
Voices: Cosmina Tcaciuc, Jennifer de Felice, Michaela Ondrašinová, Lucie Páchová, Roberta Štěpanková, Tomáš Doležal, Petr Čáslava, Matthieu Legros

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