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Poultry Market (binaural)

A Sunday tour in Craiova, Romania
Anamaria Pravicencu
(6’10”, July 2018)

Hundreds of poultry, ducks of all ages, from hatchlings right out of their egg to noisy males, several varieties of geese, some very large with red cheeks like a cock’s comb, turkeys, chickens and hens, delicate decorative cocks like knick-knacks, peacocks in full bloom, some varieties of pigeons with hideous heads and a discussion about ostriches. A binaural immersion that smells of bird droppings.


Photo: Nicu Ilfoveanu, „Supra vara 2015”, diapozitiv 35mm / 35mm slide, 2015


Sound piece created during the SONIC FUTURE RESIDENCIES organized by Asociația Jumătatea plină and SEMI SILENT to Conacul Otetelișanu, Vâlcea County, Romania in July 2018.


Anamaria Pravicencu studied drawing and sculpture, with an interest for sound installation. Since 2006 she’s in charge with the artistic direction of Jumătatea plină, promoting author comics, and sonic and musical experiment (Sâmbăta sonoră) through constant and distinct programs. She is the curator of the SEMI SILENT portfolio and she keeps producing sound work.


Recording, editing and mixing by Anamaria Pravicencu for SEMI SILENT

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