Podcast platform for sound art, radio art and field recording


We started our podcast platform in 2016 with sound pieces using field recordings for a Bucharest sound ecology: the exploration/recording/transformation/transmission of urban intimate memories. Older pieces here, do just that! Newer sound submissions and commissions though, make us want to leave the city and the documentary, get lost in illusion/fiction/drama, based just as well in field recording: forms that stimulate stories that transmit that listening state. Of course, it’s just radio, our only medium to theorize and practice listening for space & story, remotely!


SEMI SILENT created new programs: HER VOICE in 2017 for the promotion of sound art produced by women, SEMI SILENT AWARDS in 2018 for the best sound pieces of the year produced or hosted by our podcast platform, and SONIC FUTURE RESIDENCIES in 2018 for sound art and field recording.


Productions of SEMI SILENT were awarded with trophies at Grand Prix Nova 2019, Bucharest: “Drip Drop” by Simina Oprescu and “Horses Talk” by Félix Blume. “Horses Talk” by Félix Blume was also shortlisted at Phonurgia Nova Award 2019, Paris. In 2021, the pieces “Orango” by Manja Ristić and “Green Areas” by Ana Teodora Popa were selected for Grand Prix Nova, and in 2022, the piece “Conservation Conversation” by La Pesch (Carina Pesch) and “Măr din măr” by Maria Balabaș. “Conservation Conversation” by La Pesch was also selected for Phonurgia Nova Awards 2022. In 2023, the pieces “Maybe Nothing” by Jeanne Debarsy and “Analytical Swimming” by Sillyconductor were selected for Grand Prix Nova, and “Maybe Nothing” by Jeanne Debarsy received an honorary mention to Phonurgia Nova Awards 2023.


SEMI SILENT – the platform, the projects HER VOICE and POLYPHONIC ECHOES, SONIC SPORTS, SONIC FUTURE RESIDENCIES program, and SEMI SILENT AWARDS – is an entity of SEMI SILENT organization. The platform was initially created by Jumătatea plină through Sâmbăta sonoră program.



Director: Anamaria Pravicencu

Site: Marius Weber / Next Hype

Visual concept: Miloš Jovanović

Photography: Nicu Ilfoveanu, Irina Stelea & others



General contact: contact [at] semisilent.ro





SEMI SILENT is supported by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund.