Podcast platform for sound art, radio art and field recording

Polyphonic Echoes

POLYPHONIC ECHOES, a multilingual collaboration


Sonic voices, meaningful voices, object-voices, a multitude of possible voices assembling in a polyglot, virtual atrium. POLYPHONIC ECHOES is a sound art & poetry project, using translations in multiple languages as independent sonic objects, each with their own individual modes of discourse. The poems have been selected by V. Leac from “Hotel Cosmos”, a 2019 anthology of sci-fi poetry published by FrACTalia.


Sound compositions by Manja Ristić (RS/HR), Cristian Fierbințeanu, Anna Kravets (UA), Ana Teodora Popa, and Ivan Palacký (CZ), with poems by Cosmina Moroșan, Valentina Chiriță, Dmitri Miticov, Gabi Eftimie, and V. Leac, translated to English, Czech, Ukrainian, and Serb-Croatian, by Andrew Davidson-Novosivschei, Jiřina Vyorálková (CZ), Manja Ristić (RS/HR), Anna Kravets (UA), Florin Bican, Alexandra Păun, Alexandra Găujan, and Bogdan Perdivară.


The sound compositions are published starting November 11th, 2020, on www.semisilent.ro. Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.


Artistic direction and general coordination: Anamaria Pravicencu
Photographs: Sorin Nainer
Graphic design: Alice Stoicescu
Communication: Iris Opriș
Website: Marius Weber / Next Hype


A project by Jumătatea plină through the podcasting platform SEMI SILENT. Partners: Czech Center and the National Museum of Romanian Literature. With the support of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund.




Anna Kravets


A poem by Valentina Chiriță (Romanian, English, Ukrainian)

4’32” // January 2021

Cristian Fierbințeanu

About the Future

A poem by V. Leac (English, Romanian, German)

8’20” // October 2020

Ana Teodora Popa

Green Areas

A poem by Gabi Eftimie (English, Romanian)

7’11” // October 2020

Ivan Palacký

Baba Vanga: Predictions. Space Odyssey

A poem by Dmitri Miticov (English, Czech, Romanian, French)

20’49” // November 2020

Manja Ristić


A poem by Cosmina Moroșan (English, Serb-Croatian, Italian)

8’05” // October 2020